The Social Dimension: Positive Self-Talk – Your Best Teammate

Of all the relationships we sometimes try to juggle in our lives, the one that ends up falling to the ground is the relationship we have with ourselves. Although this is often  the relationship that most needs our attention. You only have to deal with one person every minute of every day and that is yourself. How we view ourselves will spread to every facet of our life. Should we feel negatively about ourselves, that will infect other parts of our life. The good news is: if you feel positively about yourself, that will flow to the people and events around you and is key to making the world a better place.

This means that we also need to have healthy relationships with other things that are hard to get along with, like failure, disappointment, perseverance, and patience. The habit you can learn is positive self talk!

Here are a few examples:

You set a goal to do the dishes every morning before you go to work. That morning, you get up late and go to work, forgetting all about that goal. After a tough, stressful, and busy day at work you walk into your kitchen you see the dirty dishes in the sink. Immediately you think:  I am such a failure! I set a goal and didn’t complete it! I can’t even do something that simple.

If someone you loved was supposed to do the dishes would you say those things aloud to them? Can you imagine using the same tone to them and saying: “You are such a failure! You set a goal and didn’t complete it!” No? Then why say it to yourself?

Self-talk is not about self-deceiving. It is about being patient and kind to yourself, like you would with anyone else you love. Instead, walking in, you can say: It’s true. I didn’t complete my goal. But there were a lot of other factors in play here. I got to work on time. I powered through the hard moments, and in the end, dishes aren’t as important as my job. I can clean them now and try again tomorrow.

After an experience like this, you can then access your Sixth Dimension and set calendar alerts and goals to help you complete the goal and remind yourself why a goal, like cleaning the dishes, is important to you. Positive Self-talk improves every aspect of your life.

As you think about how you can help and love others and build your relationships, don’t neglect yourself.

Check out these applicable dimensions to learn more about what your ultimate reality looks like:




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